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Today,i was on t,and then RANDOMLY in game;i turned into ct,and got knifed to death,and by the time i was dead,i was on t.I checked console,no one SWITCHED ME.WTF IS THIS? Like another time a warden was giving orders,then switched to t,then when he was back on ct,he was muted. It happened to me and admiral snackbar,:C. Just last night,this one kid was on t,then came to ct,when to vents,by the time he was in armory he was t,and killed. Can we fix this random Team switch?

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This is a horrible glitch,ITS INGS SWITCHES PEOPLE IN GAME,WHEN ITS A T TO CT,they get knifed by the ts around them,WHEN ITS CT TO T,THE T EITHER REBELS OR GETS KILLED ON SIGHT. I was on the server when this happened,and it was HELL i had to switch people back,while people are mass freekilling,and people were spamming admin chat!!!

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i was warden, got switched to T randomly during a warday in soccer... some CT ended up killing me since i didnt realize i was switched! Very odd, many people are randomly switched at random times

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