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Introduction -xGJake

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First off I made this new account for three reasons.


1. Forgot my old account's password.

2. Forgot my email address password so I can't retrieve my account.

3. Fresh start which I believe everyone deserves.


Introduction: If you don't know me I use to go by Korean back in the day. I've been sticking around for awhile and I consider myself a senior of this clan because of that. I have seen a lot through my times in this clan and I have recently acknowledged and resolved some problems in my life (I still have a few but who doesn't). I have made a lot of friends from day one in this clan and regrettably some enemies as well. The problems I am facing currently are very severe and involve a loved one dying slowly. For this I am sorry if I have ever disrespected you involuntarily recently I am simply venting out and I know this is not the place to do it. Do not take anything I say or do personally I am just going through a lot right now and I am just so weak with self control. I honestly try my best at times.


The way respect goes for me if you treat me with respect I will treat you with respect as plain and simple as that.


Thanks for reading the shitty grammar!


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Hey Korean. Been a while huh? Hope the shit settles, I've been through it too.


If you're sticking around, welcome back man.

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