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Oscar - Counter-strike

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In-Game Name:


Steam ID:


Ban Type:

Server Ban


I no longer own/play on this account at all. My new account that I've been playing on for a little over a year now is,


I'm not here to drown this ban protest with apologies, yet I would like to formally apologize to anyone who is still around that I effected in the past.

Introduction to Who I Am

Many of you new guys out there in the community floating around may not know me at all, this creates a dilemma on a lot of controversy surrounding who I am as a person, and I can assure all who do not know me, I'm not a bad person. I've made mistakes surrounding xG, rest assured I'm not the person(child) I once was. I'm Oscar aka Brandon(TS3).

I was in xG from 2011-2012 ending on a extradition from the community for cheating in surf. I, the dumbass who posted an admin abuse report with wall textures for CSS, was permanently banned.

What will be the benefits of me receiving an unban(not only from servers, but primarily the community)

I've been fairly active these past few months in the xG Teamspeak, I haven't wanted to make a return at all, it was never my original plan, I just wanted to come on here, hang out with some old "friends", catch up with everyone, and to primarily play games other than counter-strike due to the controversy surrounding it all. Although, due to recent events (such as Aegean's return, and the formation of a new Minecraft division), I can benefit xG by helping become a self-sustainable community again. I'm no longer the toxic, defying, snitch, and absolute cancer of a person. I've matured, and I would like to show how much I've actually matured simply by coming back. Meeting new faces is always fun, and I would like to attract new people towards the community, bringing it all back to life just as it was in 2011-2012.

The Mistakes I've made

We've all made mistakes in our times, not only because we're humans, but I was also a child. 14. My maturity at that age was so ridiculously low that I no longer can believe some of the stuff I did. I take full responsibility for my actions 4 years ago. a little over a year ago I got vacced on 2 accounts simply because I was trying to convince my friends I was good. Honestly, it was an idiotic mistake, one that I regret.
I'm here to officially say, cheating is in my past permanently. Just as I was once in xG's past permanently. I would like to come back purely for the benefit of xG, and to help the community grow immensely. I've gathered valuable skills in coding through the years, and would like to help develop anything new and upcoming.


Thank you all who have helped me grow into the person I am today, I truly appreciate it, and would like to return the favor.

To whom is reading, Thank you as well, for taking the time out of your day to read this, I honestly appreciate it,




Brandon "Oscar" Bass
Edited by Guest (see edit history)

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Honestly, He makes a good case for him self, he's active on teamspeak, he tries to stay positive even though a lot of people troll him based off of him just being Oscar

He's actually handled this extremely well, he's never raged at someone, he tries to keep his cool and he just seems like he is a new guy pretty much, he no longer acts like the oscar we used to know back in 2011.


allah speed buddy.

Edited by Guest (see edit history)

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Originally gonna be a 0 here as well, but honestly I know how dumb I was at 14, and at the age of 19 it's hard to not have matured at that point. This is not to give him powers or rejoin the clan yet, but I think letting him back in the servers (he uses TS anyways) won't be an issue. Worst thing that happens is he gets rebanned and we never see him again.


I was also there when he originally got banned and he is the reason for one of the greatest memes in our community.

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+1 I like your formatting.

It's been so many years since you were banned, and if you're STILL somehow interested in coming back, I feel as if you should be unbanned. I've made mistakes like this in the years, just not in this community. (please dont ban me).

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Eh, why not? Tbh he humiliated himself and has been banned for a long ass time. Plus if he fucks up again then just reban him, i'm sure he won't do something that retarded again, at least i hope he doesn't and like hexx said the fact he's still interested should be indicated that he has matured a bit. Anyway +1

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Not posting this with the intention of muddying up this thread, more-so for the 10/10 replies and the fact that I found this sh*t hilarious as f*ck.


I personally don't have any sort of opinion regarding his behaviour and such since I never hung out with the surf crowd back in the day plus I was still a freshman (JB for lyfe baybee), though I digress since that isn't exactly relevant to the initial ban for hacking. That being said, if it's true that he has already been unbanned before (twice[?]) I'd be incredibly hesitant to unban again, even though there are a few solid points in that it's common knowledge that we did/do stupid sh*t at a young age. As common as that excuse is, there is a whole lot of validity with it; one of the few.. Excuses, for a lack of better words, that I would consider positively vouching for. Though he did mention that he was VAC'd on two accounts a year ago, which doesn't quite help his case (though I seriously commend him for enclosing that info in his Ban Protest).


My problem with unbanning in situations like this is that the ol' "we can just unban him, and if he messes up again, we'll reban him" excuse has already been previously used. It really doesn't give Xeno Gamers a strong stance in punishment when so many people are let off the hook with the exact same reasoning as they were given when they were unbanned prior; but that may just be me being a rule-nazi for a Gaming community.


Strong +/- 0 for this case for the reasons stated above. But if an unban is really being considered, I'd recommend that at the very least the player demonstrates activity on the forums (however irrelevant to the initial ban for hacking it is) to showcase this change-of-heart and supposed care for the community before being unbanned. At least then it'll seem more genuine (not implying that his initial post wasn't).

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My opinion doesn't technically matter, since I'm not member, but I am extremely against Oscar getting unbanned for several reasons. First of all, Oscar not only got permed from CSS for wallhacks, he also got banned on Minecraft for using an xray hack. He even admitted in his post that he cheated and got vacced last year on 2 steam accounts. As Jake said back a few years ago,

Doesn't deserve to have a forum account either, he'll just keep making these threads forever until all the oldfriends have quit and forgot his stupid butt and then he'll get back in.

Additionally, he's been extremely irritating on TS, and he clearly can't take the fucking hint about it. I don't know if he is a troll or if he funny, but he constantly says cringy or straight up annoying shit all the time.


Thirdly, seems to be trying to force himself into some position in the Minecraft division by constantly asking for the test server ip or by asking another Minecraft community to merge with xG without consulting any of the higher ups in xG about it first.


Honestly, I don't see how he has changed at all and I don't understand why he would be given another chance even if the ban was several years ago.

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My opinion doesn't technically matter, since I'm not member, but I am extremely against Oscar getting unbanned for several reasons. First of all, Oscar not only got permed from CSS for wallhacks, he also got banned on Minecraft for using an xray hack. He even admitted in his post that he cheated and got vacced last year on 2 steam accounts. As Jake said back a few years ago,


Additionally, he's been extremely irritating on TS, and he clearly can't take the fricking hint about it. I don't know if he is a troll or if he funny, but he constantly says cringy or straight up annoying fudge all the time.


Thirdly, seems to be trying to force himself into some position in the Minecraft division by constantly asking for the test server ip or by asking another Minecraft community to merge with xG without consulting any of the higher ups in xG about it first.


Honestly, I don't see how he has changed at all and I don't understand why he would be given another chance even if the ban was several years ago.

Officially you have no room to talk, but do I care no. You're clearly basing your ideology on pure assumptions and recent history that I owned up too. If you would like to have a full conversation with me, and actually get to know me, rather than just be a judgmental cringe fest, then you may. I'm not denying what I've done, let's all remember this was 4 years ago. Not yesterday. :)

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Officially you have no room to talk, but do I care no. You're clearly basing your ideology on pure assumptions and recent history that I owned up too. If you would like to have a full conversation with me, and actually get to know me, rather than just be a judgmental cringe fest, then you may. I'm not denying what I've done, let's all remember this was 4 years ago. Not yesterday. :)


How are any of those even assumptions? What have you shown us to give us some light that nothing "bad" will come from you? (Mind that i'm not voting, nor did my last vote even count, so.)

Be around more. Get to know us better. Let some time pass with us. Don't force anything.

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A: 10/10

M: 1/10


Can't wait for the flame from someone on this one. I come here because I feel you are wrong and your reponse to Derp was hostile. I tell you "Hey, hang around with us some more so we can adjust to you and get more up to date with each other, get to know one another" and you respond by calling me Derp, saying you've been around for four years, and then message me on TeamSpeak, linking the same thing? Lol? You've grown up in age, and honestly I had no stance against you as I do not know you fully, but this is funny...

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My opinion doesn't technically matter, since I'm not member, but I am extremely against Oscar getting unbanned for several reasons. First of all, Oscar not only got permed from CSS for wallhacks, he also got banned on Minecraft for using an xray hack. He even admitted in his post that he cheated and got vacced last year on 2 steam accounts. As Jake said back a few years ago,


Additionally, he's been extremely irritating on TS, and he clearly can't take the fricking hint about it. I don't know if he is a troll or if he funny, but he constantly says cringy or straight up annoying fudge all the time.

Thirdly, seems to be trying to force himself into some position in the Minecraft division by constantly asking for the test server ip or by asking another Minecraft community to merge with xG without consulting any of the higher ups in xG about it first.

Honestly, I don't see how he has changed at all and I don't understand why he would be given another chance even if the ban was several years ago.


-1 for Ɖərp's reasons, they are agreeable and have been true in my experiences with Oscar as well :dank:

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