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Why is the CS:GO JB server so desolate?

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Sigh... I missed when Unique, Chief and I used to play it.. That was the real fun stuff.


As a former Division Leader, it's up to the staff to maintain the servers population, if they aren't doing that and focusing on other servers when JB was the primary server, then action needs to be taken accordingly, starting from the top.


It's not a he say /she say thing, it's not if you go on and populate the servers then people will come, I've read that too many times in these forums from staff saying to other individuals that if you go on then people will go on. They aren't obligated to go on it, obligations should apply to the staff that has given permissions on said server. If the staff can't do its due diligence towards the server, then I believe they aren't viable candidates to be a staff member.


Granted not every individual wants to put in most of their time towards JB as they have many other games, but they still are required to put in the effort of being in said server; players will come if regular staff members are on quite a bit.


Stop with these stupid chain comments and focus on the real issue on hand.


JB is really fun, but if I compare xG CS:GO JB with other servers, xG is crap, speaking as a former division leader.

xG used to be #1 Globally, now look where it's at. You want a good server, fix the staff of the division, and try to ensure the staff that they can try to populate the server, also try to ensure the that outside the division(xG staff) can input a helping hand towards said server.

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