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CT Muting/Confusion/Rant thing.

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Ok, so I dont know what happened. I logged in, the map changed, I went on CT. Then for some reason the entire CT team couldnt be heard (Muted by server/system by accident, I think?). This has happened a few times that i'm aware of in the past. Its a little frustrating because the last time it happened i was nearly CT banned because I thought it all worked fine, then I killed a bunch of Ts who apparently never heard me give orders.


That apparently happened again( ? ) And it causes a lot of confusion, because sometimes the warden will open the cells (Like the MOTD says, only the warden should open them) and sometimes random CTs just do it (I really can't understand why, considering 9 times out of 10 its nowhere near 6:45 when they do it). That paired with random CTs not being able to use their mics, along with the fact that its rather common for people to go CT and never be warden, even when no one calls it, let to a couple cases of mayhem. I lost my temper, cell spammed by accident (Map was VIPInTheMix, tried to open big cell and accidently closed the other ones, killing a few people) and just logged off. I dont know why it (the muting thingy) happens but its really infuriating. So yeah. Just wanted to rant/apologize. Sorry if you were killed by it and are mad/butthurt. I'm as pissed as you are.

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Well, if you're talking and no one can hear you, then it should be obvious cause people will be typing in chat "ORDERs?!" and stuff like that. So just pay attention to chat when you're warden until it's fixed. :S

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indeed... Nearly all of the wardens never looks at chat, as many people is constantly spamming "Repeat" or some what. I suggest paying attention to the chat.

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