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Swampert #swag - Counter-Strike: Source

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Alright so, disregarding anything to do with StOwnage as well as Jubens, as that should be in two separate Ban Requests, I can't vouch on the disrespect, but I can vouch on the nature of this "Swampert" player. He is intentionally trolling, griefing and disrespecting, which I believe warrants a week ban from the server under the reasoning of "Trolling/Griefing/Disrespect".


However I will note that this player's name is not matching up with the Steam ID provided by Bert. There seems to be no aliases under the name of "Swampert" in his Community Profile which you can find here. This Community Profile is pulled directly out of sourcebans with the following Steam ID (STEAM_0:1:8191602) which was provided by Bert. I don't know if this is because the player has since then changed their name several times so it is unrecognizable, or whether the Steam ID is incorrect.


Due to this confusion, I will remain at a +/- 0 until things are cleared up here. I will also remind anyone that if you are being harassed or disrespected to please notify any Staff Members on at the time, or contact anyone via TeamSpeak, Steam or our Forums.


EDIT: After looking through the rank page provided by Duckii Jr, this player has used the name Swampert and I can now say I +1 to have this player banned for a week. @@DarkWolf6052 @@Gkoo @@HighSociety @@PiNoYPsYcHo for your take on this.


- Dat guy, Forest

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Because no has given any further replies to this, I am going to carry out a week ban on the player under the reasoning of intentional Griefing/Trolling/Disrespecting. #AcceptedBanRequest


~ Forgotten in the Lost Woods

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