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Motd and Admin Handbook Upgrade

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So for awhile now ive been waiting and waiting for both these to be updated. A long time ago in a galaxy far far away, all mods, admins, divs, coleaders, got together and discussed proper punishment times and adding/removeing rules. This has yet to happen. With the increasing number of mods and players on our servers, this really needs to happen soon. With the recent events (you know which ones) even higher-ups are disagreeing with each other. Someone or a group of people needs to sit down and talk about updating it. It needs to be people who play on our servers an average amount and wont give bias upon which team they play as.


Im not saying we need a complete revamp of it all, but it needs to be changed. If needed we should have a thread for those mods and up to debate different punishments and times for them, along with changing anything in the motd that might not work as well as it should. Ive been in this community for awhile, not as long as some, but long enough to know that xG is reaching a new stage in its development. New players = more exploits, new mods = more screw ups.

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I discuss things like these in TS all the time. if you join TS and we are in game, we are usually talking about how long or how severe of a punishment x should receive because of a (b,c,d,etc.)

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I discuss things like these in TS all the time. if you join TS and we are in game, we are usually talking about how long or how severe of a punishment x should receive because of a (b,c,d,etc.)


And thats great. But it would be good to have things like what you discuss in a actual thread so that everyone could be able to put in their ideas and then actually have something on paper for those punishments. That way, if someone fucks up, they dont have an excuse as to why they did. There will always be some things that will always be up in the air about, but thats how all rules are. Even the Constitution is really just the base rules that we have to follow.

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Even the Constitution is really just the base rules that we have to follow.


and amendments get added to the constitution. amendments get added through discussion. discussion with words. spoken words. because if they were to write letters back and forth for a discussion it would be too troublesome and time consuming than having an open discussion during a meeting. when we are on TS we are always talking, and I for one always tell #CumlessWonder ( @Link_ ) rules i think need edited/removed when i find those rules, or rules i think should be added. and I give my reasoning. thus TALKING about it in TS is better. because then the people who actually frequent the servers are there instead of randoms. and that is where it will be the most beneficial to discuss.

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