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Assault Weapons Ban 2: Electric Boogaloo

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What do you all think of a new assault weapons ban in the US? With mounting public pressure from shootings like Aurora or Newtown, many politicians are taking an anti-gun stance. Will it save lives, or is it just legislation by emotion? I'll abstain from this debate, I wanna see what y'all think.



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ive never really been a fan of the whole right to bear arms thing. my point of view is coming from canada where its been hard gun control for a long time and ppl arent complaining about wanting guns since its not like our government is trying to take away our rights or anything unlike in the US where they have all sorts of acts that would make the forefathers shoot themselves in disappointment. thats my two cents.


basically, the whole gun control thing is a good thing imo cause it helps to reduce gun violence by limiting the amount of ppl that have access to guns

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