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Some More Cool Stuff To Add....

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On the jailbreak server everyone is un-muted at 6:00 thus everyone starts talking.

* I know warden can say all reds off mic but some times reds don't listen and thus talking over walking warden.


SO ive came up with and idea

if some one can do this <.< @Nomulous >.>

we can create a plugin that automatically mutes everyone for maybe 10-15 seconds if over 5 people are talking at once.

EXTRA CREDIT: if you can mute everyone except the warden.

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Honestly I hate when wardens say reds of mic as soon as it hits 5. Ugh I think some blus abuse it way to often. I mean when it comes to an extent where reds are screaming and cussing then yeah it would be needed. But you can't just have a rule like don't tell the reds to get off mic unless they are to loud. That would cause some problems. So I say we try and make a compromise

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that number can change, it could be 6 people talking at once.


~So what if it's hide and seek?


Think of it as a warning, when alot of people are talking over each other, then no one hears :poop:

the 10-.15 sec mute should let the server become a little less quiet.




So what if they are in jeopardy ? there are at most 3 reds and a few blues

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again just an idea,

Instead of the mods having to mute everyone and scold them for being bad people,

the plugin can do it for them, and theres one less thing to worry about.

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