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Dear Canadians...

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"Quebec currently has the lowest tuition rates of any province in Canada, with a year of university education costing just over $2,100 on average. The proposed increase, pitched as a solution to the province’s budget shortfall, would bring it up to just under $3,800. The protests began on February 13, when students at Laval University staged a boycott, which was soon joined by the much larger University of Montreal. The protests soon spiralled out to most of the province, reaching its peak on March 22 when 300,000 people arrived at a rally in Montreal. Much like the Occupy Protests, the Quebec students have been used as a banner for a large variety of causes – with many people tying the tuition hike to broader issues of corporate greed and neoliberalism[4]."


Why the FUCK would you all get buttmad and riot over a $1700 increase in college! Do you know how much it costs in the US? I'm shelling out $20,000 for my first year to go to a fairly decent school. Do you know how FUCKED we are compared to you all?




Love, Heisenberg

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Because the government has billions of places to do cuts that wouldnt affect anybody that much. I got a friend that has to work 2 jobs when he's not at school JUST FOR FUCKING SCHOOL ALREADY. This is unfair and you do not understand this situation from our point of view. We already pay 2 taxes on EVERYTHING. Why would we FUCKING PAY MORE?

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Meh, instead of bitching at the canadians, bitch at the extreme conservatives in the u.s. that refuse to do anything that is even slightly different from a 200+ year old constitution..

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Because the government has billions of places to do cuts that wouldnt affect anybody that much. I got a friend that has to work 2 jobs when he's not at school JUST FOR FUCKING SCHOOL ALREADY. This is unfair and you do not understand this situation from our point of view. We already pay 2 taxes on EVERYTHING. Why would we FUCKING PAY MORE?

You're only paying $1000 more, while in the US we have a $3 trillion national debt and our college costs go up about 5% each year (more than $1000), but instead of going to help the debt, the colleges are (mostly) private and they make HUGE profits while everyone else gets screwed. We can't even get jobs here anymore. I had to change my major because psychology is such a fucked job now.


Meh, instead of bitching at the canadians, bitch at the extreme conservatives in the u.s. that refuse to do anything that is even slightly different from a 200+ year old constitution..

Bitch at the liberals AND conservatives for trying to fuck everything up. Not to mention liberals have no clue about gun control :P

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