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Bye, It was (kinda) a good run.

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Honestly, I think it's high time I leave. I know I've been denying it for awhile, but I've come to terms with it and am accepting it.


I'm an annoying 14 year-old that no one wants around. Albeit, an emotional one too. Sorry.


It just kinda dawned on me, the way I act on team speak, my outburst on the JB server a bit back (in my defense, Admin called me a stupid Hoe first), how other people in the clan generally react towards me. Off the top of my head, I can think of maybe one person that openly tolerates me. If I try hard, maybe 3. The point is, I know I'm not wanted and I know I'm not contributing to the community in anyway shape or form.


I know I won't be missed, and I hope that Xenogamers keeps on keeping on.


Thanks for the good run guys, I'll remember it.

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HOnestly you were pretty funny but you did get out of hand sometimes. I dont think that ive seen people react bad towards you besides that one time on jailbreak recently were you got a one day ban

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Ugh, i'm worried when I go back to jailbreak some new xG members are going to act like I don't know the rules since I don't have the right to wear the tag anymore...


On topic, just stay and it will get better. If you noticed yourself acting that way, correct yourself and get back on track. Then maybe people will like you.

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Who's Yurkoon?
i know i've actually never seen him at all.... and maybe if i did you must not be annoying enough to make notice you so ITS ALL GUD BROTHA

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Atleast he has the balls to admit his mistakes. There are some real idiots who get on xG servers for a while and dont stop till it becomes too much.


I really dont think you need to leave. 1. No one cares about TS lol and 2. now you know that when an admin calls you a name, you embrace it. If you wanted to know what admins have called me before, it deffiently wouldnt be PG-13 lmao

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