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I need the Community's help!

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Alright, so Slipery as you guys know, wants to be a member in this clan but he has been denied from Serbian and I. Charrax believes the community will definitely want him back but I believe if you guys know WHY he shouldn't be in this clan, you guys might change your mind. This thread was Charrax's choice so I will leave it to you guys to vouch either +1 or -1 to him rejoining after you guys hear what he has done. These are some details that many of you guys DON'T know so I'm not saying he hasn't done good things for our clan, but yeah..


1. He has the left the clan for 2 different clans at 2 different occasions, both of which he hid from Serbian and I about and even lied to us. (T3k and Deviant)


2. He has hacked in our CSS scrim server when he was playing with our fellow staff and members and lied about hacking till he finally admitted to it (walling)


3. I let him into our clan even after joining T3k, lying and hacking. I also let him have staff in our servers after all this, and what does he do? He leaves for Deviant in secrecy, he didn't get "forced" or some BS, he leaves because Dev wasn't all that he was expecting them to be so he asks if he can apply for mod and hides the fact that he left and said he's been in xG for 3 months which was a total lie.


This is why he got declined, if you guys think he should be a member after all of this, please post your opinion. Charrax believes he should so I want to hear all of your responses. His hack is confirmed, there is no confusion in any of these. If you guys think he should still be a member after all this you guys better give a good reason for it.

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-1 He hacked on scrim.. he got caught and he left xG twice to join other clans.. he isnt loyal to xG at all i like slippery as a friend but when you do that to your community..then its not worth the time to try to regain your rep

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honestly I haven't seen him do anything wrong so i will look at him but so far hes really chill to me, and untill i can see proof that he hacked i will change my decision

D 0

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-1 Slipery, Slipery, Slipery. You're a really nice guy. You're fun to play with but come on. Really? Hack? Leave for clans? Try and just come back? I'm sorry Slipery but this is my honest decision. Still love you as a friend.

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I find some of the information in 1, 2, and 3 to be exaggerated or missing information that could change ideas. (From what I hear from multiple sources)


Just saying... Maybe slipery should tell his side of 1, 2 and 3?

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PAAA, Charrax, who would be afraid of a 5'9, 120lbs guy. LOOL. Joking, <3 you bbg.


But, in all honest, -1. Sorry buddy, you were fun to play with but you took things and made it too big. Like, I would've forgave you for the hacking thing, but you should not of hid the dev & t3k or whatever from Aegean & Serb, e.t.c.



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I don't even know his history but now I know he is a liar.


Saw his app 2 days ago and, without knowing who he was, vouched a 0 on it. Then, yesterday, I saw him in game wearing the xG tag. I checked and his app was still open so I asked him to remove the tag. He insisted I had him on Steam, which I did, and he explained "Oh I talked to Aegean he said it's cool" in many many more words than that but that's the gist of it. None of the admins on at the time were told any such thing by Aegean and, again, his app was still open. I talked to Serbian and vuala 5 minutes later the tag is gone.


If he's been in this or other clans before he at least understands when and how to use a tag, so lying over something so small is just dumb.

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Can't really have a say in vouches, but we were lied too. I won't go into much detail, but he's a backstabber.


Deviant, as a community, feels strongly about him not being allowed into xG because he would be a bad representation of a loyal member. As hypocritical as that sounds as me for leaving xG, I didn't decide to come back so soon afterwards TWICE in a row after leaving to go to another clan.

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