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nightwing - CS:S

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I'm saying you are wrong. and as a div leader I am correcting it for you. as that is my job as a div leader and a patron of this forum establishment, when I see something as an error I will try and fix it. doesn't matter what division. serbian even told me a while back when I was just LoL div to go and do ALL member submissions. and that they are not just for those DMs and Ds to do, they were for everyone to do, as it is just a set of rules for them, we don't have to accept or decline them based on criteria we see other than +1 -1.


It says they need 20 vouches, and 2 co-leaders approval.


Co-leader approval is just them saying "yeah sure"


however, if they +1 and app, then they are giving their +1 as an xG member, and their co-leader approval. it does not mean they need 22 vouches. @@serbiansnaga @Brian @@Duckii

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