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Remove Simple MOTD

Remove simple MOTD?  

19 members have voted

  1. 1. Remove simple MOTD?

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I think it's fine how it is, it's a simplified version that clearly states there is a full list on a different webpage. If people don't take the time then to read everything then it won't change when we remove the simplified one.


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It clearly states that there is a longer more in depth motd and it's a click of a button away from accessing it. The simplified may not help much but it gives the basics and serves no harm. For the extra rules simply click on the link. -1

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I think it's fine how it is, it's a simplified version that clearly states there is a full list on a different webpage. If people don't take the time then to read everything then it won't change when we remove the simplified one.


That isn't simplified. That's basic.

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I think it's fine how it is, it's a simplified version that clearly states there is a full list on a different webpage. If people don't take the time then to read everything then it won't change when we remove the simplified one.


That isn't simplified. That's basic.


It might be officially titled a basic motd, but its still simplified. Same meaning, different way to say it.

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I think it's fine how it is, it's a simplified version that clearly states there is a full list on a different webpage. If people don't take the time then to read everything then it won't change when we remove the simplified one.


That isn't simplified. That's basic.


It might be officially titled a basic motd, but its still simplified. Same meaning, different way to say it.



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Just to elaborate, it's not really simplified if you only get small bits and fundamental parts of the actual motd. It's simply the basic rules, if you want to actually have a simplified motd, you need to condense everything. Not just having the basics. When the newcomers on the server first join, they're going to read this basic motd then get themselves into trouble. Regardless they'll end up reading the full motd making the basic motd pointless(other than getting them into trouble).


Just my view on the "simplified" motd.

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All the "top" servers have a general rule list and usually a simple bullet list for team rules. What really scares players away is the novel of rules.


And thus, the birth of the Basic MoTD Rules. It satisfies both parties; those who just want to gist of what's going on and what to do, and those who want indepth details and regulations.


In regards to what I said earlier, I'm just telling it like it is. Moderating isn't supposed to be fun. That's not a perk you [anyone in general] should be thinking of when accepting a Staff position. That's all I'm saying, lol


What minecrack was saying is they have general rules, and a short team rules, what we have is rules, and then a shortened version of those rules. Which makes it pointless for us because someone can completely memorize the shortened motd, yet still be slayed because of rules in the regular one. The only way our shortened motd attracts players is because they think we only have those rules, just to find out we have a shit ton of rules. Should read this (was posted on another thread)

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If you have common sense... or already know what jailbreak is... you can join the server... read the basic motd... and be perfectly fine....


If you don't... then you prolly don't read either MOTD when you join anyways....


This thread is pointless... removing the basic motd is pointless... and will change nothing...

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If you have common sense... or already know what jailbreak is... you can join the server... read the basic motd... and be perfectly fine....


If you don't... then you prolly don't read either MOTD when you join anyways....


This thread is pointless... removing the basic motd is pointless... and will change nothing...

Are you being serious right now?

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I think it's fine how it is, it's a simplified version that clearly states there is a full list on a different webpage. If people don't take the time then to read everything then it won't change when we remove the simplified one.



The more I think about it the less sense or makes having it. Why post a simplified/shortened motd when they have to read the long one anyway. Nobody is going to go to the longer one if they don't have to. Change it back to having the regular motd appear, doesn't give them an excuse then. It's a good idea, but is useless at what it is trying to accomplish.


+1 for removal

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If you have common sense... or already know what jailbreak is... you can join the server... read the basic motd... and be perfectly fine....


If you don't... then you prolly don't read either MOTD when you join anyways....


This thread is pointless... removing the basic motd is pointless... and will change nothing...


Just saying, but if you played on ANY other jailbreak server, then came on ours, there is a major difference in the rules. The basic motd doesn't help at all unless you've never played JB before, And even then they'll just get punished for the normal motd rules.

Im requested the basic MOTD be removed because it does not help AT ALL. They can find out those basic rules in the normal motd.

Aside from matsi

@@Forest I understand it's for players to get the "gist" of what jailbreak is about and just play, but they end up getting that gist of what jailbreak is about, then end up getting punished for the regular MOTD rules. Yes, they can click on the link provided, but why not just leave the normal MOTD there instead of a basic one? The normal motd covers everything in the basic motd, +more.

The regular motd better prepares them for playing compared to the basic one.

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I think it's fine how it is, it's a simplified version that clearly states there is a full list on a different webpage. If people don't take the time then to read everything then it won't change when we remove the simplified one.



The more I think about it the less sense or makes having it. Why post a simplified/shortened motd when they have to read the long one anyway. Nobody is going to go to the longer one if they don't have to. Change it back to having the regular motd appear, doesn't give them an excuse then. It's a good idea, but is useless at what it is trying to accomplish.


+1 for removal

Bad auto correct is bad, sorry chaps.

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@@Forest I understand it's for players to get the "gist" of what jailbreak is about and just play, but they end up getting that gist of what jailbreak is about, then end up getting punished for the regular MOTD rules. Yes, they can click on the link provided, but why not just leave the normal MOTD there instead of a basic one? The normal motd covers everything in the basic motd, +more. The regular motd better prepares them for playing compared to the basic one.

Oh god stahp, I haven't said anything else in this thread for so long.

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