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Top 5 YouTubers

1. PewDiePie

2. Videogamedunkey

3. EMPLemon

4. iDubbbzTV

5. Cr1tikal/penguinz0 (or maybe Jacksfilms since i watch all of his videos even tho I don't find most of them funny anymore)

Top 5 Streamers (Youtube/Twitch)

1. Etika

2. H3Podcast

3. Joshimuz

4. bathrobe_dwane

5. Ice_poseidon (or maybe loltyler1)



Top 5 YouTubers

1. PewDiePie

2. Videogamedunkey

3. EMPLemon

4. iDubbbzTV

5. Cr1tikal/penguinz0 (or maybe Jacksfilms since i watch all of his videos even tho I don't find most of them funny anymore)

Top 5 Streamers (Youtube/Twitch)

1. Etika

2. H3Podcast

3. Joshimuz

4. bathrobe_dwane

5. Ice_poseidon