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Advertising Our Servers

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So I think we need to advertise our servers.

i think the best way is for us to use a server to advertise another. (ill put up a example of wat i mean)

Idk what this method is called but its a text that shows up like every minute or so thats in Green and Bolded words, i believe we had something like this a while back when in chat something would come up saying " Read MOTD or be kicked!"

i hope that jogs someones memory on what i mean.

So wat we could do is we can use this Text to advertise our other inactive servers.

Example: On jailbreak, A green text in bold words would come up saying "Minigames <IP for minigames>, Players: (10/40)"

and etc for other servers.

What you guys think?

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I agree with this idea, it can help other players of Jailbreak get familiarized with other xG servers. Maybe we can have the message say " Type !servers to see other servers xG has to offer!". Yeah, I know what you mean by the green text as I've seen it before in CSS servers. This should also apply for TF2 servers if it happens because some xG TF2 servers are empty most of the time.

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