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Don't take this the wrong way guys, but man up. If you act like a FRIEND, she's going to FRIENDzone you. True story.

First thing you need to do is figure out if you want to just fuck or if you want a relationship, cause they are usually two totally different approaches.

Also, if you're not talking to her mostly in person, you're doing it WRONG. Facebook chat = friendzone chat.


I shouldn't have to be the one to tell you guys this, i don't date girls. D: also gay guys make good wingmen when you're trying to pick up chicks, just saiyan


So you suggest guys be a douchebag? Alright fair enough. The guy literally tried to be THE NICEST GUY to her. That meant that he listened to her cry when that jerk used her. I'm just saying that a lot of women are absolutely the blindest and dumbest creatures on this planet, they underestimate guys so much, it's insane.



Also on a personal note, I don't need advice (don't take that the wrong way) cause I've been with the same girl for a little over two years now. It's the stupidity you see from these teenage girls who refuse to look past what they want to get what they need..

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It's sad...nice guys finish last. My friend and I talk about this a lot. Girls now go for the jerks, douchebags, etc. Why? I guess it's because they like being treated that why...I don't really know. It's confusing, and personally I don't even think they know. You just better hope that they realize they are being treated poorly, and go for the nice guys. Just think of it this way, like my friend and I do: Down the road, girls will want the nice guys, and that my friends, is us. :D



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So you suggest guys be a douchebag? Alright fair enough. The guy literally tried to be THE NICEST GUY to her. That meant that he listened to her cry when that jerk used her. I'm just saying that a lot of women are absolutely the blindest and dumbest creatures on this planet, they underestimate guys so much, it's insane.


Also on a personal note, I don't need advice (don't take that the wrong way) cause I've been with the same girl for a little over two years now. It's the stupidity you see from these teenage girls who refuse to look past what they want to get what they need..

I agree with you completely. Why do you think I stopped dating girls after highschool?

This was directed at the younger age group, after all. If you're around my age, you shouldn't really care about petty dating bullshit, and be more concerned about finding someone to be with in the long term. :3

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