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Problems connecting to #1 JB?

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Ever since JB #1 came back I could never connect. It just says failed to connect after 4 tries. I was able to connect through another computer and I have no problems with any other server. Does anyone else have this problem?

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When you are using a different computer are you using your Steam account or someone else's account?

  • If it works on another computer with your account, it's something with your computer (see below)
  • If your account does not work on another computer, it could be a ban, etc.


Are you connecting using the menu or the console?

  • From console type "connect [ip address]" (without the quotes) (not sure what the current ip is - admin?)

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^ This. It's a round-about way, but it will at least verify if you can connect. It would suck to have to do that every time though.


Not sure if this will help with this problem or not, but you could try this:

In Steam, right-click CS:S and choose properties.

Go to the Local Files tab.

Click Verify Integrity of Game Cache.

When that completes click Defrag Cache Files.

Restart Steam.

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Still nothing


I have the problem with every single xg server and I don't have this issue with any other server. I tried verifying and defragging cache but it didn't help.


Am I IP banned or something?

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I dont think it would be an IP ban because you wouldn't be able to connect to any other xG server either. (Can an admin verify this?)


When using another computer, can you do it from your house (same internet connection)? If so, that would rule out an IP ban.


As a last resort, try this:


  • Exit Steam
  • Open Windows Explorer (my computer) and browse to this folder:
    C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\(username)\counter-strike source\cstrike
    ((C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\... on a 64-bit OS))
  • Create a new folder (right-click, choose New, then Folder). Name it backup.
  • Hold CTRL key and click these folders: cache, DownloadLists, downloads, maps, materials, models
  • Press CTRL+X (cut)
  • Open the new folder you created, press CTRL+V (paste)


You just moved downloaded game contents to a backup folder "just in case", but this will have no effect so no worries. Also, all your personal settings are still okay.


Now, try to re-connect. Maps, models, etc will have to re-download BUT it may help if anything anywhere was gummed-up.

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Still nothing, I was only able to connect through another computer on another network.


Its some problem with the server, something probably conflicting, even before it starts checking if I need to download anything.


Maybe changing ip addresses might help?

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You can't really change your own IP address on command. Without getting into the technicalities of it - on DSL should give you a new IP every day, and if cable you probably only get a new IP every 2-4 weeks (or it could be months).


Only real way to "hope" for a new IP (not force) is to unplug your modem for 24+ hours (even then there's a chance you'll get the same IP).


My honest opinion, unless anyone else has any ideas, would be to uninstall Steam, then go to your steam folder ("C:\Program Files\Steam\") and straight-up delete it, then re-install. I really don't know what else to try.

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Damn thats to the extreme, I got so many games installed it would be too much of a hassle. I know that my internet goes down sometimes and comes back up with a new ip address (I keep a tab on my ip address cause i run a server for many of my friends on terraria) I just hope that can fix my problems


thanks for the help anyway

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