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Trolls and how to deal with them

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Guys if someone is trolling you don't respond and if you do then stand up for your self also if you click the arrow next to the guys or ladys name you can do something called block communication and when you do this you wont have to deal with the fuck and you can move on and when you post a thread complaining about a troll in the clan it makes it a giant deal and then it causes more trolls to come out and piss everyone off and it makes you look like a attention whore when the guy who did it had a good reason like they were defending them self from you and turned the tables on the real troll so steps to deal with trolls 1:defend your self 2: don't reply 3: BLOCK THE FUCKER thats all i have to say


before people start raging

---------- Post added at 05:35 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:34 PM ----------


Biggest post i ever made

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