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Regarding the "3 legible characters" rule

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umm mixed feelings about it.


I think they should be allowed so players with foreign names don't feel discriminated against but at the same time typing accent letters are annoying and I don't know how to type them correctly. I think its ALT and some numbers I really have no idea. This can be a problem when you need to target a rule breaker quickly.

you know we have a rule for only speaking english

so foreign players have to know how to speak english anyways, is it so hard to have an english name

(cause kypari is retarded, its justs gotta be able to be typed on a normal ass keyboard)

idk how you find this as discrimination haha

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I know that this applies for names like דĥ│Ś or ܔܢܜܔ. But what about accents like é or ç? Do they apply for the rule? Because some people know the ALT Code for them and some even have them on their keyboard.


Yes it does apply.

Otherwise Lee Explained everything else.

He is the CL to end all other CL's.

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I just target using userIDs when I can't type the letters ^^;


I usually don't enforce this rule unless I really have to for some reason.

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I'm going to say it simply and as quickly as possible, if it's on your english keyboard it's allowable, if you use Alt codes, then no it's not usable.


English keyboard = Good

ALT Codes = Bad


That should be all that needs to be explained.

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