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Been 60 Days in xG... I AM A STEGOSAURUS

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I'm changing my -1 to a +1, he's a good guy and I may have gotten him mixed up with "I Am A Stegosaurus". He doesn't get mad anymore and he should read the motd more and memorize it more a little bit but he knows it well enough. He also +1'd me on mod after playing with me on jailbreak even though I -1'ed him before. That shows that he doesn't hold a grudge and can get over things. Good luck Stego

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I was regretting doing this but I guess I will. -1


You are very immature and aren't very nice. You do randomly call warden and it annoys many people. You constantly spam admin chat with useless things. You get mad when I don't do anything about it (because I didn't see it). You are bumping this thread a ton and it shows that you aren't ready. You argue and disrespect a lot. -1 for now.

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I was regretting doing this but I guess I will. -1


You are very immature and aren't very nice. You do randomly call warden and it annoys many people. You constantly spam admin chat with useless things. You get mad when I don't do anything about it (because I didn't see it). You are bumping this thread a ton and it shows that you aren't ready. You argue and disrespect a lot. -1 for now.


have 2 agree with this 1 :S

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I would like to say a couple things.


I have bumped this thread maybe 3 or 4 times and considering its been up for so long, I think its perfectly fine.


Also my internet connection is not as good as some of the people on the servers which causes me to, when wanting to call warden, to do it after someone else has called it. I have said this in game before but I guess no one ever listens.


Finally, I do admit that I talk in admin chat a bit more than most people and I have toned it down quite a substantial amount since I 1st started playing JB. Im sorry if it seems to much for you and I know you cant see everything, but you have to realize I dont know if you did or did not see it until you tell me that you have. Also its not always directed towards you Themick, its to let all mods and admins know that I witnessed something that was against the rules and then to hopefully (if they do see it) have something done about it. Also on the topic of the spamming, when I say something in admin chat, my brain just keeps saying to me "they are admins and mods, their job is to settle things like this first before the game". It just keeps forgetting that mods and admins want to have fun too and if they are in the middle of something for the actual game, they want to finish it for personal pleasure.


But as far as the disrespect that you said that I do, I really dont see what you mean. I respect everyone relatively equally. I do sometimes not follow orders or question orders knowing what they actually meant, but that is just tactics for me. To confuse a warden and make them have to change their orders causes a break in the CTs defense. They have less mental focus to deal with rebelers. And because of that Ts can then bomb, knife, or shoot them. I dont do it just to be a fucking dick. Its all about the tactics. Chaos is everything.


I am trying to work on these things but its like a bad habit, it takes awhile to stop doing them, like smoking or drink. I completely respect your -1 and I hope that at one point I can prove to you that I am worthy of a +1.

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Decision: -1


You can't drop the smallest things, don't show respect to anyone, and are extremely arrogant. I seriously haven't seen someone be so into themselves. You refuse to think that you could ever be wrong and won't stop arguing even when the other person has stopped talking. You instigate fights, not defend yourself.


Today you got slayed by SuperNarwhal and literally the arguement went on for three long rounds. Everytime I died and was in dead chat it would be you "He cellhopped, he cellhopped." People make mistakes and SuperNarwhal slayed you on the facts that were presented before him. He knew he had pardoned DMTwired and DMTwired was saying he was pardoned. It's hard not to slay on those grounds when he himself knows he pardoned him. If anyone wronged you here it was DMTwired for lying to the Mod about the reason he was killed. The best part is that finally when SuperNarwhal finally conceded and said he wronged you and asked to slay you couldn't just shrug it off. Was it really worth the 3 rounds of people watching you argue with an admin about being slayed and not being alive for the last minute of a round?


I was there for what you did to Brock Obama. That was just downright disgusting. I don't care if its the internet or that crap, you guys downright abused him for literally no reason. I couldn't believe it. I was about to ask one of the Mods to have you guys stop or you'll be kicked. It was literally horrible that an xG member would attack another like that. It looks bad for the clan and it would've been even worse if you were one of the leadership attacking a member. I truly felt horrible for even wearing the same clan tag as you when you attacked him like that.


You really need to start thinking about others before you get Mod. You want to be Mod to get the power and respect that comes along with it. Not to protect the server from freekillers and people breaking the rules. Maybe when you can show some genuine interest in the well-being of the servers and people getting freeslayed in the server then I'll change my vote.

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I was there for what you did to Brock Obama. That was just downright disgusting. I don't care if its the internet or that crap, you guys downright abused him for literally no reason. I couldn't believe it. I was about to ask one of the Mods to have you guys stop or you'll be kicked. It was literally horrible that an xG member would attack another like that. It looks bad for the clan and it would've been even worse if you were one of the leadership attacking a member. I truly felt horrible for even wearing the same clan tag as you when you attacked him like that.


You really need to start thinking about others before you get Mod. You want to be Mod to get the power and respect that comes along with it. Not to protect the server from freekillers and people breaking the rules. Maybe when you can show some genuine interest in the well-being of the servers and people getting freeslayed in the server then I'll change my vote.


Took the words RIGHT OUT OF MY MOUTH.

To be quiet honest... everything RpgS said was how I felt. I feel TERRIBLE for what happened to Brock Obama, and I am damn glad I was not there to witness it.


In regards to the slaying/disrespecting admins... If you fuck up, you fuck up. Don't be a dick about it and make people rage. If someone owns up to the situation, it's usually over right then and there. So, just own up to your mistakes.

-1 until then.

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Today you got slayed by SuperNarwhal and literally the arguement went on for three long rounds. Everytime I died and was in dead chat it would be you "He cellhopped, he cellhopped." People make mistakes and SuperNarwhal slayed you on the facts that were presented before him. He knew he had pardoned DMTwired and DMTwired was saying he was pardoned. It's hard not to slay on those grounds when he himself knows he pardoned him. If anyone wronged you here it was DMTwired for lying to the Mod about the reason he was killed. The best part is that finally when SuperNarwhal finally conceded and said he wronged you and asked to slay you couldn't just shrug it off. Was it really worth the 3 rounds of people watching you argue with an admin about being slayed and not being alive for the last minute of a round?



I was there for what you did to Brock Obama. That was just downright disgusting. I don't care if its the internet or that crap, you guys downright abused him for literally no reason. I couldn't believe it. I was about to ask one of the Mods to have you guys stop or you'll be kicked. It was literally horrible that an xG member would attack another like that. It looks bad for the clan and it would've been even worse if you were one of the leadership attacking a member.


Jesus Christ. If you guys would actually look before you post you would know that I completely apologized to brock for everything. And dont fucking blame everything on me for what happened to brock. I wasnt the only one who picked on him and people still do. I have stopped and apologized for what I had done and that is the most I can do. I know that a apology only goes so far and that I cant take back what I did, but it was ONE TIME! AND YOU MAKE IT SOUND LIKE I MADE HIM FUCKING CRY!


And with the situation with Narwhal, I DID IN FACT GET FREESLAYED AND IT DIDNT GO ON FOR "THREE LONG ROUNDS" it lasted 2! He cell hopped when he was parden for being afk and in cell. This means he was a rebel. I explained this to Narwhal in not more than 5 lines of text. AND, COOKIE HAD ALREADY DEALT WITH IT THE SAME ROUND THAT IT HAPPENED. But in the end, i even fucking stated that "EVERYONE MAKES MISTAKES, YOU DONT NEED TO SLAY YOURSELF" but Narwhal ended up doing so. So RpgS maybe you should get your facts straight before you come on here and come after me for things that were NOT HANDLED AS FUCKING BAD AS YOU THINK.


I truly felt horrible for even wearing the same clan tag as you when you attacked him like that.
OK THEN FUCKING QUIT THEN! We dont fucking need drama queens in xG that over exagerate the smallest things to make them sound horrible. Honestly you should feel horrible for just posting this without doing the proper reseach first.


You really need to start thinking about others before you get Mod. You want to be Mod to get the power and respect that comes along with it. Not to protect the server from freekillers and people breaking the rules. Maybe when you can show some genuine interest in the well-being of the servers and people getting freeslayed in the server then I'll change my vote.
You litterally have no idea what a mod is then do you? Because by your deffinition a mod is someone who lets people break the rules and do w/e the fuck they want if they are having fun doing it. Seriouslly I dont even care about your vote. It is so poorly thought out, researched, and written that I could just care less. To acuse me of not caring about the well-being of the server is just disgusting. In the nearly 5 months that I have been in xG I have posted nearly 400 times on the forums. Also, why dont you ask Serb or Agean about Carsn and Spongeboob? Until then you could count the fucks I give about what you think on 0 hands.


Protip: Give a shit before you post.

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You have serious problems with brock for no reason at all. And any reason to do with his gameplay is invalid, he plays like everyone else. I think you'll be an even worse mod than narwhale, no offence narwhale.

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Well... this thread.... WELL. Here's what I think you should do @@Stegosaurus . Close this thread. It shows you trying to question everything people say. People generally don't like that. And you can't really research things like that :/ Close the thread, wait a month or 2 and then post another thread. xG isn't going anywhere. You also seem very mad :dispirited:


Ask @Pyro or another divison leader + status to close this thread.


That's what I think you should do until this dies down. :smile:

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OK THEN FUCKING QUIT THEN! We dont fucking need drama queens in xG that over exagerate the smallest things to make them sound horrible.


This really sounds like you too. You seem to want to start arguments with anybody who opposes your views and always want to be the one who is right, never wrong, and you'll battle to the death just to defend yourself. These aren't even things that I would consider significant and truly worth arguing about, they just make people view you negatively when they see your forum posts. Even when you are right and the other person is wrong you still think the long argument was justifiable when clearly its not. The fact that you are also doing all of this in YOUR OWN mod app makes me believe that you think this behavoir is ok to do. I wouldn't even +1 this if it was a member app, yet alone a mod app. You will never see a mod+ in xG carry on arguments as far as you do. I don't even need to play with you to see how you react to confronting situations to make my decision. You need to take things less seriously, jeeez


Tl:Dr: -1


Inb4 arguement about not making pointless arguements


Edit: Fixed grammar and made it look cleaner.

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