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Fixing* the rules.

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1. Griefing IN towns is not allowed. Protect your stuff.

2. PvP logging (leaving a fight by means of tp, /home, /spawn, disconnecting, etc.) is not allowed.

3. Trolling/spamming or admin/member disrespect is not allowed.

4. Setting homes in other’s towns/homes are not allowed (16 block minimum distance)

5. If someone asks you to leave his/her area, you must comply.

6. Don’t leave scaffoldings. (1x1 towers)

7. PvP is allowed, but do not spawn camp.

8. Mods/texture-packs/hacked clients/scripts that give advantage are not allowed.

9. Advertising it NOT allowed by any means.


In regards to PvP logging:


To be in PvP a person is either:

A. Already swinging at you.

B. In process of running at you.

If either of these two are occurring, or have occurred, you are in PvP. PvP ends with one person being killed, or running away (w/o teleling).





• /mcmmo Displays general mcMMO help text.

• /mcc Displays the list of mcMMO commands.

• /mcstats Displays the current skill levels of the player, including the current XP and the total needed to level up.

• /[skillname] Displays information on a specific skill.

• Ex. "/mining" displays general information regarding the mining skill, including the current Double Drop proc rate.

• /mctop Shows the top 10 people with the highest power level on your server.

• /mctop [skillname] Shows the top 10 people with the highest level in the specified skill on your server.

• /mcability Toggles whether or not you can activate abilities with right click.





• /lwc - The LWC command for everything, however aliases are available to make some commands shorter. Type /lwc in-game for more detailed help.

• /cprivate - The alias of /lwc create private (or /lwc -c private), it creates a private protection.

• /cpassword <password> - The alias of /lwc create password <password>, it creates a passworded protection.

• /cpublic - The alias of /lwc create public, it creates a public protection

• /cremove - Allows you to remove a protection you own (or if you're an LWC admin, any protection) - you must click on the protection after using /cremove in order to remove it.

• /cunlock <password> - Allows you to attempt to gain access to a passworded protection after LWC tells you you attempted to open a password protection.




Too many towny commands.

http://code.google.com/a/eclipselabs.../wiki/Commands check this for Commands.

Certain commands (such as creating and deleting towns) Are for xG and higher)



iConomy Wiki : Main / Commands : browse

For all the commands.


/dynshop buy <material> (amount) Buy the item(s)

/dynshop sell <material> (amount) Sell the item(s)

/dynshop price <material> Gets the actual price for the item

/dynshop list (page) List the items on the given page

/dynshop admincmd Shows all admin commands

/dynshop buytax/selltax Get the actual buy-/selltax

/dynshop setbuytax/setselltax <Percent> Set the buy-/selltax

/dynshop setall price/min-price/max-price/limit/available (value) Set the value for all items

/dynshop setprice: <material> <price> Set the price

/dynshop setpricechange <percent, amount or constant> Sets the pricechange (See config)

/dynshop setpricechangespeed <speed> Sets the pricechangespeed (See config)

/dynshop reloadconfig Reload the config from the file, overwrites any changes!

/dynshop saveconfig Save the config to the file

/dynshop Shows the help text



Enjoy the server! :3


-Arthman & Deodate

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