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Alright, I'm getting fat.


I put on a lot of weight these last 6 months or so. I was unemployed for most of that time and spent most of it sitting at my computer. I also started drinking much more.


I tried cutting back caffeine and alcohol intake and drinking more water - Did that about 6 weeks ago and it only lasted about 2 weeks. Gonna start doing that again.


I'm not much of a worker-outer. I'm a pretty little guy and can't do much. I also usually just don't have the motivation, but when I do I don't last long because I either get bored or lose motivation.


So, here's my plan:

Reduce soda intake from 3-5 cans a day to 1-2

Reduce alcohol from 3 drinks 6 nights a week to only 2 or 3 nights a week

Try to actually do *a little* bit of a work out every day - ever little bit has to do something and help some, right?


What else can I do? Not really looking for the easy way out here, but again I lose interest and motivation even when I try exercising and I've become very busy.


Just saw someone post a video in the chatbox about the Shake Weight things. Are those worth the $20 or whatever?


What about like Hydroxycut or whatever? Those pill things any good and beneficial?

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Play professional volleyball with @Aegean!


Or well, you could just run for an hour every day for as long as you can in a slow and steady pace. Well, personally I don't like to run long distance I'm more of a sprinter and stuff but I can run that long. Well enough about me, Mcneo the motivation you could use is that you don't want to be called fat :P

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u drink 3-5 cans a day? jesus, i literally only drink 1 a day, sometimes like 1 every 2 days, my job involves me running around a lot and pushing go karts and shit, so it keeps me in shape and active every day, but my knees and ankles are taking a pounding and now i need to rest for at least 2 days so they can fully heal

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I'm jelly. My parents don't buy me much (they buy a lot for themselves). I usually intake 1-2 sodas a day though. When I have relatives over we pretty much eat out every day.

You could go for a walk every morning. I walk around 1 mile minimum every morning.

On your sugary snack intake, you could eat healthy snacks that taste good. A bunt cake with strawberries and low fat whip cream is a small example.

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Do you even lift? I'll beat you in lan.


On another side, I need help with the opposite, I need help gaining weight. I've been fucking eating mcdonalds 7 out of 10 days and intake about 2000+ calories almost every day. I even take some days and not do ANYTHING during the day, I have only gained 1 pound. I did a blood test and they said everything is perfect with my body, fuck I WANT WEIGHT NIKKAS HELPPPP

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I have the same problem Aegean, I started drinking this mass builder after work outs though, it's like 1110 calories per shake cuz I drink it with milk and it la been helping somewhat but I always burn it off. You need to be eating 20x your body weight in calories if you workout a lot.


And I don't drink sodas, barely ever. Just gets me more thirsty. But McNeo put like a pic of something that'll motivate you to workout as your screensaver on your cellphone, shit helps lol. Every time you see it you'll be like "Fuckkk, I guess I'll workout"

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Hey McNeo, you have to understand that you need to be mentally healthy before you can start working on losing weight. Too many people think they'll be happy when they are skinny, and then they fail, and then they get sad, depressed, etc etc.


Understand that losing weight will not make you healthy. Being healthy will make you happy. Don't go cold turkey into any new diet. Don't spend money on any shake weights or medicine. DO NOT BUY DIET PILLS. Diet pills do not help you create a healthy life style.


Easy simple things you can do to begin progressing to a healthy life style minus the cold turkey.

1. You do not need to finish what is on your plate. Save it and eat it later. If you are pushing yourself to clean your plate, you are either eating too much or too little. There is nothing special about plates that dictate how much you are suppose to eat.


2. If you eat out, order an equal amount of water to your soda/drink. Rotate between soda and water. If you are feeling good, limit yourself to one glass of soda.


3. Listen to Pod Casts when you want to walk/run/work out. I listen to PC Gamer on my long bike rides. You can even buy audio books that interest you. I find it really difficult to read, but when i listen to audio books while i ride my bike/walk, it makes comprehension and walking longer distances easier.


4. Find ways to be happy about yourself. You really need to learn to love yourself and accept yourself. This sounds silly, but trust me, i am studying psychology. In business psychology, you can skip out on paying people larger paychecks if they are happy with their life and their job.

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I hate salads but raspberry vinaigrette is a very fruity dressing. Get some spinach leaves and it is a lot healthier than cabbage. Put the two together and you can almost mask the nasty leaf taste, but get a good healthy meal.

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