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Next Giveaway

What would you like the next challenge to be?  

23 members have voted

  1. 1. What would you like the next challenge to be?

    • Mentally Stimulating
    • Randomly Generated (think raffle)
    • Hands-On Competition
    • Other: Post in thread

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I just wanted to see what the community would prefer for the next Giveaway (TBA). The last one was a mental challenge, one that required thinking outside of the box as well as identifying objects.


The only reason I selected this type of challenge was that it was fair to everyone. It didn't favour anyone's skills or whatever (much like a friendly competition of Bhop or a match in League would) so it was a good contest for the general population.


Whether it was successful or not is up to you guys. Would you like to see the next challenge be as mentally stimulating as this one, or would you prefer a more.. Hands on competition (in terms of playing an actual game, or doing an actual activity), so to speak. I really would like to see what you all would prefer, as doing the same sort of thing every time can get stale.


Discussions and suggestions are all welcome, provided they are relevant to the current topic at hand!

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I think maybe a 50/50 raffle might work, people donate (money) maybe 5 dollars to enter the raffle, how ever much, the clan gets half as donation and the winner gets either the money or game of choice with that money. If not then a normal raffle or mind game would work. Just thought of something that would be a win win for the clan and winner.


Obviously problem is who will donate 5 dollars that is not in keys.

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I think maybe a 50/50 raffle might work, people donate (money) maybe 5 dollars to enter the raffle, how ever much, the clan gets half as donation and the winner gets either the money or game of choice with that money. If not then a normal raffle or mind game would work. Just thought of something that would be a win win for the clan and winner.


Obviously problem is who will donate 5 dollars that is not in keys.

I have done this in the past where entries required donations, but there aren't enough people willing to donate 5$ for a prize. If I recall correctly, the most successful one I did only had around 10+ people in it, if even that.


I don't mind contributing for community-based events at all, which is what I'm going for with these. Once this has gathered a large bulk of people willing to participate, then I'll start letting people know of any upcoming challenges/competitions/raffles in the Steam Group.

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raffle or do something rl and post pics of it, sort of like a scavenger hunt such as take pictures doing all of the following:


purchased a meal

cooked a meal

at a public place (amusement park, library, landmark etc.)

inside a trash can


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Does hand on competition me I get to fight someone? I'll fly over to Germany and kick @Yu_Narukami 's ass。

Hands on meaning a competition on a game or something that involves being put up against another User/Member. For example, a tournament on League of Legends or a competition of skill like who can progress the furthest on a Bhop Server for a different game, etc.

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Hands on meaning a competition on a game or something that involves being put up against another User/Member. For example, a tournament on League of Legends or a competition of skill like who can progress the furthest on a Bhop Server for a different game, etc.

....can I still go beat him up?

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Judging by the large amount of people for a challenge that is mentally stimulating, this may be what the next giveaway will be focused on. Going to have the Poll close on Monday, so be sure to throw your votes in.


Would you guys prefer a single large prize, or multiple prizes (IE. 50$ for winner as opposed to 25$ for 1st, 15$ for 2nd and 10$ for 3rd)?


Also keep in mind that entry to these Giveaways is free (provided you have been a Registered User on the site for more than two months [subject to change]), however I may change this to better reflect active users by only allowing those who have a certain amount of posts made to enter. What do you guys think?

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